"In our Bubble, Life is simple!"
A typical day includes
- 1-2 hours of Learning Languages
- 3-4 hours of permaculture or other garden projects
- 3 organic meals
- Relaxation: playing music, chatting, cooking ...
Once a week,
- The reforestation project - We all go to local markets to sensibilise the people about reforestation while we freely give trees away.
- One day out, just playing and joking: FUN!
What kids like here:
Pizza night - the whole neighboorhood is always present to bite into our home made pizzas made in our home made oven!
Sharing stories, playing and chatting with foreigners, nothing better to improve their English and take their dreams a step further.
Sharing stories, playing and chatting with foreigners, nothing better to improve their English and take their dreams a step further.
Our Kidmobile "Carrot" - We use it for anything: a day out, getting materials, going to the markets etc. Mario, a 16 years old student passionated by mecanic, is the only one that can make it run when it doesn't want to wake up!
"Crafternoon" - We don't have much playing material but we do have lots of ideas and reycling pieces waiting to come alive again. Creative moments are always fun and surprising.
And much more!
Originally built as a Spiritual temple by the Hare Krshna, the WHOLE place has been put together, piece after piece, by the helpers and children passing trough.
Like a real memory museum, it definitly carries its energy and its caracter.
Surrounded by a wall of lushy vegetation, the main structure is like a hidden treasure protected by its own creation. Paintings, recycled structures, bamboo furnitures etc are part of our everyday landscape.
Playing and chilling - the entrance is where a few hamac are hanged, around a table were we often gather to chat, play music or take a nap.
Reading and learning - Inside, one main room is furnished with our library, one computer and sofas. The atmosphere is more quiet. We like to be their later in the day, exchange our impression, watch a documentary or a movie.
Yummy yummy - two long tables usually fit most of us during meal time. Just outside the kitchen, this is the central place of the house. Everybody get involved.
The tower - Chilly, one of our regular student has built an observation tower were we go watch lightnings at night or see the wind bendint the coconut trees next to it, during the rainy season.
Our 3 stars swimming pool - Reconverted recently, the pool host a couple of ducks on one side as well as our pisiculture project recently started on the other side.
The Bubble is a conctantly growing structure, shaped by ideas and inspirations of its residents.