Saturday, February 6, 2016

...No before ....... No after... an excellent present give us an excellent past.... an excellent present give us an excellent future.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Yo soy como soy y tú eres como eres, construyamos un mundo donde yo pueda ser sin dejar de ser yo, donde tú puedas ser sin dejar de ser tú, y donde ni yo ni tú obliguemos al otro a ser como yo o como tú.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

This morning at the Santa Ana market, we took the kids on the reforestation project: no less than 100 trees were offered to people having interest in developing the environment at no charge.

The kids were explaining people about the importance of taking care of Mother nature and global warning. It was a beautiful opportunity to share smiles and knowledge.

Some people exchange vegetable and fruits for trees.